So..the weekends is almost over...though today seems to be EVERLASTING. And i try to take a break from the blog on the weekend..because i truly do have a ton on my plate....and this buffet seems to NEVER end.
So let's catch back up and then move forward wtih this week....
Oh things...what can I much as I would like to change them, most of them..will not seem to budge. And rather i say PEOPLE than things....
i am not sure that I will ever understand the mind set of some...and I am at this point no longer sure why i even let it get to me.....
You would think, when the same cycle repetitively occurs, that one would remove themself from it, so that it no longer consumes any portion of your life...
I though am trying to spend the time figuring out how you do this...when, its with more people than you thought.
So many are quick to judge another, disclaim them as a friend, point at their faults, weaknessess and more...and though I wont dispute the fact that these acknowledgements are often true...i will in fact say that more often than not, those doing the recognizing, are often guilty of quite similar....
I am not sure where the word "friend" got misconstrued to so many...or why its validation is irrelevant so frequently...but a lot of this comes down to something rather simple: COMMON COURTESY.
treat others how YOU want to be treated...and do not throw harsh words, guilt trips, etc on another if you in fact are one to not consider feelings other than your own in the first place...
I have no time for the petty ridiculousness any longer...i have come too far and am working to hard on a changed life to have to stop every 30seconds and worry who it is thats twisting that knife a little deeper into my back.
i do not know about all of you...but i left high school many years ago...I am an adult...I take care of myself...i work hard and push myself harder..i do not settle and i do not lie...I am honest and open and a good friend. i have a big heart and big dreams...but do not discount ANY of this for a weakness....
I do let things slide...however...I am realizing more so now than ever...that enough is enough....because no matter how much i do for SOME people...I do not get even a quarter of it back in return..and I can no longer have these types of people in my life....because right now...for once EVER...i NEED people...I NEED my friends..and its a RARE occasion that I say that...though I am ALWAYS there for everyone..and I have found out pretty many of the "best" friends i have had....really just do not grasp the meaning of that word or share a mutual feeling....
Which is fine...and i will not condescend anyone....thats not my place.....
i will pray that these people NEVER have to walk the road i recently have...and especially the majority of the time alone...
You do not have to have the answers for someone to be there for them...You do not have know just what to say...but the offer of your shoulder the invite to be with you...even when you know the other cant...goes much farther than not....
Think about yourselves, your actions and your lives..the friends that you have and the ones that you would like to keep. hold tight to these things. life stops for NO ONE....and you never know, when you may really need them....
From now relationships are an even playing field...I will give what I receive and instead of striving to be the best friend...and always there...I will return only what others bestow....
I have to make these changes..because I AM changing my life...I am taking control and I AM NEVER looking back!!! <3 I will end up somewhere beautiful...and maybe you will with me<3
I have a lot of opinions. And truly i ask NO ONE to agree with them, but I also have a VOICE, a BIG ONE, and i use it. These are my thoughts; on life, love, people, politics, television and whatever else happens to strike a nerve with me! Read it or don't. Love it or hate it! You can have opinions TOO!! xxoo