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March 9, 2011

MY Project 365....my life ever after....((day 22))

Good evening loves....

i definitely wanted to make some time tonite to keep on track and not have to jam a million days, thoughts and ideas into one post...so much goes thru this head of mine i can barely keep up with it at all....

i am still hoping that you will all start joining in..clicking to follow the blog...sharing with friends..and sending me your stories, ideas and questions...I like putting my life out there for all of you...so a little humor, a small suggestions or an interesting tale from time to time would greatly be appreciated!!! ( speakuporshutupblog@gmail.com)

Alright...moving on from the harassment of all you NOSEY people that LOVE to hear about my absolutely borderline psychotic life...my infamous, random and absolutely LOUD rants....and all that other stuff that falls in between...we will carry on now with what we came here to do.....
Talk...(and yes i do talk to myself, make faces, laugh, cry, yell, fidget etc, while my words flow from my opinionated brain thru my finger and wind up on this pretty little screen...where we all find some common ground....
I said tonite i wanted to talk about friends...and i definitely do...i have hit on the subject a FEW times in my postings and I figured, what the hell...let's just dedicate a post to the subject (this is where you can all feel free to start SHARING....you see i am good at harassing.....)
Before i begin, i will preset the tone and intention...and make it known and clear:
1.) NO i am NOT talking about anyone in particular
2.) If i was to call you out (not typically my style) I would have forwarned you, mentioned it DIRECTLY to you, by saying, hey my blogs about ya....etc
3.) From time to time we will ALL relate to something that someone else says, does, writes, etc...and this happens because it strikes a nerve within us, or a subject hits close to home, or in someway we feel we can relate to whats being said in general...when this happens..its again NOT because i called you out..its because, well there is obviously an area of your life that my opinions, thoughts and words found a place to call home and then in fact thats an area that you may want to evaluate or leave alone..idk...i am not inside your head...however...I am just wanting to make this all clear...
Now, that, that too is out of the way...we can get a moving:
I could actually probably write a book on this subject..because i think there is so many variations of the word, i firmly believe to all of us it means something different...and sometimes we think differently of others because they dont act as tho we think a friend should...but after a lot of thinking, i have realized...is there really a certain "standard" for how one friend is to act? Or is it really just our expectations and lack of acceptance of how another is...and furthermore, if we are not particularly fond of this way of the other, is that not maybe really our problem and not theirs??
Before I confuse you any further with my array of outlooks on this and situations to set it in...i will say what i think friends should be..what they are to me...the kind i want in my life...
I think friendship is absolutely one of the most valuable things that you can receive in life and also one of the best that you can give....and i value my friends..all of them with a universal RESPECT. I respect their ideas, their opinions, their thoughts and their views...whether we are casual friends, or best friends i RESPECT you the same...
My love changes varying on the person..and my closest friends i can count on a hand..I dont think life is a popularity contest and i dont think that in my life i will ever need it to be...
I like being able to fully KNOW those that I am truly close to...to understand them and have them understand me...to be able to talk to them and not have to watch my tone or my words.
i think its extremely important to be able to be honest with friends and be able to say how you feel, why you feel it, and them accept that...No one, ever has to agree with me...I sometimes even prefer that they do not...I respect the opinions of others and like to get anothers insight or view that differs from mine...it gives you a better understanding of people in general, personalities and so forth.
Now, for me...especially at this pivotal point of my life...where i have this chance to make all the adjustments that i need to and move forward on a clean and empty slate....
I have realized...that perhaps some i thought i knew..i never really did...some i care for, far more than i thought and of course there will always be the ones that "just matter most".
All i ask of anyone, any friend..in my life, is this: Treat me HOW you want treated..be honest with me and do not shy away from confrontation...rather than hide your feelings and thoughts behind anger, vengence and ignorance, talk to me...be open with me...I WILL LISTEN..ALWAYS. I may not always want to hear what I am hearing...I may sometimes not understand why...however...i will respect you, and appreciate you far more than anyone that i cannot speak my mind to in fear or some sort of bashing, "cut-off" or retaliation.
We all talk about others, its a fact of life...but i can tell you this...anything i say to someone about another..I have said to them..not verbatum, but i have made myself clear and my thoughts clear...
I do not think its fair to discuss another in lack of presence without having the courage to have said what you needed to, to that person....
We all have our moments...but i have learned so certainly that it only takes ONE moment for everything in your life to change!!!
So, for yourselves, think about who you have in your life, why they are there...who you can count on and who you should count out...not out of spite or pettiness but rather to create a healthier, more meaningful life for yourself, to strengthen the relationships you know will last or that you want to last...and to let go of anything that may hold you back....
Being nice to everyone all the time only goes so far...because life needs to be a two way street...value whats important and hold tight to it...make it known...and show gratitude and appreciation...
be thankful if you have ONE friend that not afraid to tell you the truth..even a truth you dont want to hear, or one that stings....its those friends that you need to hang onto...because without them....you may never hear somethings that could change your life! <3
until tomorrow.....<3